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Writer's pictureDennis Amorosano

Reaching Your Audience When In Person Contact is not an Option

Given today's concerns over virus exposure due to in-person contact and recommendations from public health organizations to create 'distance', live video has never been a more relevant tool. To learn more about the value of live streaming and why this medium is not only good in these challenging times but is something for long-term consideration, see below.

Marketing content has come a long way. In ancient times (before the internet), the vast majority of marketing content could be found in the form of print. Specification sheets and comprehensive brochures laden with beautifully staged images were the norm. Posters and the marketing inserts found in most invoices, statement stuffers as they were called, were also common tools used by those in the marketing profession. Of all the tools used by marketers to create awareness and drive messaging, television advertising was the most advanced.

Fast forward to today and the landscape of marketing content has changed radically. Yes, print still makes up a major component of marketing content, however today’s printed pieces, at least the effective ones, are targeted to key decision makers and focused on outcomes, not product specifications. Print has also morphed into cross media capabilities through the inclusion of QR codes and embedded virtual reality content, enabling viewers to use their phones and tablets to access additional content by pointing their cameras at the right spot on the printed piece.

While this new utilization of print is pretty cool, it still pales in comparison to the content being served up via the internet and how such content through new automated marketing tools is specifically being delivered to prospects based upon their stated areas of interest.

As I have mentioned in a number of articles and blog posts, marketing, while not losing its place as an art form, has definitely entered the world of science. And when the two disciplines mesh in an effective manner, some true magic can happen. For those in the marketing profession who have experienced such success, you know the impact it can have on capturing sales qualified leads and new customers.

While the content landscape has changed quite dramatically, and along with it the tools to effectively target such content, there is another content type that is poised to capture the preeminent position at the top of marketer’s priority list. That content is video.

Video is not new you say. Correct. Although video is not new, its ability to connect to a target audience is superior to that of virtually all other tools available to marketers today. And with the improvement in the technology associated with capturing video, what once was a significant expense has now become quite affordable, making it more enticing than ever. To gain perspective on the impact of video, give some thought to the number of YouTube videos available today. Ever wondered how to do something? Chances are there’s a video on YouTube. Heck, most of my home projects are preceded by watching one or more instructional videos on the project at hand. Statistical data also indicates that video is likely to make up more than 80% of all internet content within the next several years.

For marketers, the logical question to ask is how can your content stand out if everyone ultimately moves to video? The answer; live video content. With today’s technology, producing live content is easier than ever before, regardless of where the participants happen to reside. For some great examples of this, check out The Streamcast Network ( a partner of Dendog Strategy Insights, and a company specializing in live streamcasting (see below).

What do we know about live content? It brings an audience together (provided the content is good). It is interactive. The participants are ‘real’ and unrehearsed. And because of all of these factors, those who tune-in make a direct connection with the participants which leads to more effective selling engagements by comparison to other forms of marketing content. One of the other great benefits of streamcasting, and live video in general, is that the content can be recorded and cut into snippets; ideal for posting on social sites and for use in direct marketing campaigns.

If you’re a marketer and video is not a major component of your content strategy, it’s time to get on board. If you are already using video, consider going live. You’ll find the benefits far outweigh the costs and that doing so will place you on the path to more qualified sales engagements.

What has been your experience with content? Which content types have you found to be most effective? Where does video fit within your content strategy?

Feel free to comment. We’d love to hear from you.

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